Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Carilion hospital Patients are denied Emotional Support

Carilion hospital denies patients emotional support
After moving to the area 10 years ago we went to the Carilion hospital (New River Valley Medical Center) for some tests.  We found some of their policies a bit strange and uncomfortable.  We chalked it up to new laws or something.  Over the years we have been back to the same hospital and found the same uncomfortable treatment.  After a extremely stressful situation before outpatient surgery we did some checking.  What we found was it was only their hospital policy and nothing to do with ANY laws.   

Carilion's policy is to isolate the patient from their support to interrogate them.   Right before a medical procedure is a super stressful time and when a patient needs support the MOST.  It is not the time to be isolating them.  Other times it is irritating and annoying but before a traumatic experience, like surgery, it can be emotionally damagingPractically all, if  not all, patient advocates recommend patients should have their support person present at all times to listen and assist in preventing errors.  Even Carilion’s own over-site commission (Joint commission) recommends that that patient advocates always be present.

After our emotionally traumatizing experience we contacted the Carilion management and asked why this had happened and that we did not want to be treated that way.  They stated that all their patients are required to be questioned alone.  They said in order to better serve illegal drug users this was the best policy.  They treat all patients that way and will not make any exceptions.  Nice to know my emotional welfare means less to them than protecting illegal drug users.

It may seem like a minor issue but if they will not work with their patients on a seemingly small issue, you can imagine how inflexible their management is on big issues.  It is absolutely not a legal requirement to be questioned privately.  We will no longer allow separation for questioning at any medical facility.  Which leaves us with... 

Since Carilion demands its patients be isolated when questioned they left us with only one choice, change providers.  Which we did and we have found that the LewisGale hospital has more patient friendly policies.  It has been years now and the only time we returned to a Carilion facility was to get copies of our records. (And that was yet another unpleasant Carilion experience).

As a society we do not have to put up with bad service from hospitals.  Everyone should consider carefully where they choose to go.  Do not support business with bad policies.  And above all, never ever let "it's our policy" be the end of the conversation.

From the joint commission: who oversees Carilion Hospital (New River Valey Medical Center)

Communication with a patient’s family members or friends
" Health care providers can share and discuss health information with family, friends or other individuals who are directly involved in a patient’s care (HHS, Office of Civil Rights, Sharing health information with family members and friends). The law allows sharing information when the patient either agrees or if present in the room with the patient, the patient does not object. For example, providers can talk to a patient about his or her condition when a family member or friend is present at the patient’s request. Information about a patient’s needs also can be shared with a health aide, interpreter, or person driving a patient. In some situations, HIPAA also allows health care professionals to use their own judgment about whether the patient wants health information discussed in front of family members, friends, or other individuals involved in a patient’s care (HHS, Office of Civil Rights, Sharing health information with family members and friends). If a patient specifically asks a provider not to share information with an individual, then that decision must be respected. (HHS, Office of Civil Rights, Sharing health information with family members and friends)." link

 HIPAA is not about isolating the patient.