Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Tetanus Boosters every 10 years, a waste of time and money

Tetanus Boosters Every 10 years a waste of time and money?

 The other day I scraped my knee on a piece of metal.  Thought "maybe I should go get a Tetanus shot".  Heard that preached to me at the doctors since I've been young.  I remember even getting a few boosters but hadn't had one in awhile.  Feeling a bit guilty I thought I'd better make an appointment.  Then it occurred to me to check out Tetanus shots before calling for an appointment.  In short the decision seemed quite clear to skip the appointment.  And I'm once disappointed in the lack of information that the Doctors give out.

In this article "Adults Don't Need Tetanus Shot Every Decade".  Our very own U.S. Government recommends that we shouldn't get shots every ten years but every 30!  (this article is not online anymore.  So here is another on the same topic link) Apparently the 10 year thing was just pulled out of a hat or something.  It's not based on a study or any kind of empirical data.  Where do all these bogus recommendations come from.  Why do we, like dumb sheep, just follow them.   Well now we have information at our finger tips we should be ashamed of ourselves.

In the UK they do a vaccination schedule when the children are young and that's it.  No 10 year boosters.  No 30 year boosters.  none.   Their information on Tetanus seems to have a bit more science around it.  Check out the UK government's article here.

Here is a quote for those that don't want to go to the link:
"In 2013, there were only seven recorded cases of tetanus in England and Wales, and no deaths.
Most cases occur in people who were never vaccinated against the condition or didn't complete the entire vaccination schedule. People who inject illegal drugs are also at an increased risk."

 Well then.  My fear of Tetanus has dropped substantially.  It appears the vaccine is a good idea.  But the 10 year booster.  Nope.

Medical personnel forget its a Tetanus vaccine

This scenario occurs all the time.  Pretty sure it happened to me as a teen.  Get a serious cut then let's give you a Tetanus shot.  Wait!  Tetanus shots are Vaccines!  Not Cures.  Seriously?  If you went in with chicken pox would you get a chicken pox vaccine?  No.  How about the flu.  If you have the flu should they give you a flue vaccine?  No. Vaccines only work if they are used BEFORE the person is infected.   Then why when do they want to give someone with a cut?  If they already have tetanus then the vaccine isn't going to help.  And if they don't then they aren't going to get it now.  People have forgotten that Tetanus shots are vaccines as they leave that word off when talking about Tetanus shots.  It is a Tetanus vaccine.  Let's not forget that.

Think you night have Tetanus

Again don't get the Vaccine.  See above.  What you need is "tetanus immunoglobulin".  Which is not what we call a "tetanus shot" in the USA.  And good luck getting it.  Most doctors don't keep it around.  But tetanus immunoglobulin what you need.  And if you ask for it be sure to see the label on the container.  Unknowing people will try to pass off the Tetanus vaccine as the correct shot because it is all they know about.  Don't they teach this stuff in nursing or medical school?

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