Saturday, February 20, 2016

Product Review: Minna kGoal Smart Kegel Exerciser

Product Review: Minna kGoal Smart Kegel Exerciser

Sitting in the provided stand

I purchased kgoal, produced by Minna Life, in December and have been using it nearly every day since-- so for nearly two months. I typically do each of the workouts each evening, so 10 minutes of total exercise. (Yes purchased.  This is not a sponsored review.  Free stuff would be great.  But sadly I haven't received any.)

The kGoal  is basically an air-filled rubber bulb which you insert in your vagina. It also has a little arm that stays outside.  It connects to your phone or tablet via Bluetooth. When you squeeze the bulb with your vaginal muscles, it registers on your electronic device. There is also the option of a vibration response to squeezing with two different levels of vibration possible. There is an internal vibrator and an external one. I found I did not care at all for the external one (on the little arm that sticks out). It was distracting rather than helpful. So I turned it off and for a number of weeks used just the internal vibrator and that was okay. Then I turned that off as well and found I like it best with no vibration, but that is a personal preference. The setting is easy to change in the software settings and worth experimenting to find what works best for you.
Size relative to a typical tampon

I've seen complaints in other reviews about the size of the unit. Yes, it is larger than a tampon but if you have had sexual intercourse (if you haven't why do you want this), it is no larger than the other thing that usually goes in your vagina.  And it whole lot smaller than the baby which came out-- causing you to need a kegel exerciser. With a little bit of lubricant, I have had no trouble inserting or removing the exerciser and have experienced no discomfort.

Air valve at bottom

I have had a bit of trouble getting the amount of air in the bulb just right. There is a little valve at the base which you press to allow air in or out. Sometimes, I don't get the right amount and it seems to throw off the calibration with my phone-- I release my muscles but it doesn't register as zero in the software. If I mess with the air valve a bit more, it usually fixes that problem. (For whatever reason, my husband is better at operating the air valve than I am!)
The little light on the arm glows white when first turned on then turns blue when connected via bluetooth.

I have had no problems with the blue tooth. However it is important to turn things on in the right order.  Turn on the exerciser first, THEN open the app. Wait a few seconds and it connects and the light on the exerciser turns blue. My iPhone 4s has connected every time and never disconnected during a workout.

The software includes two 5-minute exercise workouts. "Moving Target" is very basic. It runs you through a series of contractions-- alternating holding strong squeezes, more gradual squeeze and contract, and fast pulses. It is frankly kind of boring, but effective. At the end of the workout, it scores you on strength, endurance and control on a 0-10 score. It also gives you a composite score for the workout. The app displays a graph of all your scores from the past 30 days so you can see trends.

Playing "Moving Target"
The line/number tells you how hard to try to squeeze. The blue shows your contraction
The other workout is called "Shape shift." I think it is more fun. There are various shapes that move along the screen and by squeezing you open the gate to let them through. The goal is to try to trace the outline of the shape as closely as possible. They vary in width, length and shape-type to force you to do different types of squeezes. If you do well enough on one level, you advance to a more difficult level. I find it fun to try to get to higher levels. At the end, you are given scores for strength, endurance and control. My biggest complaint with this product is the scoring of this game. The workout score at the end seems completely inconsistent with what I experience in the game. I can never predict what my score will be. I have gotten higher scores on days when I passed fewer levels in my 5 minutes than days where I easily cruised through them, and that makes no sense. And it is the opposite of motivating! Basically the workout score on this one seems like garbage and you can't use it to track your progress. I try to ignore it and focus on trying to pass more and more levels.

Screen shots of the Shape Shift game
The shapes come in various shapes and sizes

After use, the kGoal is easy to clean up. It has a uniform and smooth surface so no cracks or crevices to collect crud. Just wipe/rinse it off well. Do not submerge the unit and be careful of the end when cleaning. Water up the charging port would not be good.
The light is also the charging port. Charges with a USB cord.

So biggest question: does it work? Have I seen increased muscular strength and control? I'm not the best judge of that question because I'd already been working with vaginal weights for 8 months before I tried this product and I continue to use them daily. So I'd already greatly strengthened my muscles before starting this and on day 1, I scored a 10 on strength and that has remained pretty constant. What it has done is increased my muscle control. The first few times I used it, I had more trouble with relaxing than squeezing. Mid-workout I'd get stuck contracted and unable to relax. Working consistently with the kGoal has helped make me more aware of my muscles and more able to both squeeze and relax on demand. I also felt very tired after the first few workouts-- the good, just worked hard kind of tired-- and now I don't. I think that is a an indication of increased strength and endurance.

Overall, I think it is a useful product. It provides more feedback then weights and teaches muscle awareness and control. It is interesting to visually watch the strength of your contraction on the screen. I would love to see additional development of the accompanying software. Some additional workouts would be nice.  And it would be extremely helpful if the scoring was more accurate and consistent. The price seems a little steep for what it is-- $150 on Amazon -- but it is comparable in price to other options like the Kegelmaster.

UPDATE: I was really excited when I got an e-mail that they'd added a new game to the app. You can now also play Bricks with your Kgoal.

Sadly, the bricks game itself is a disappointment. At least for me, it is not a natural relationship between the squeezing and successful control of the game. It is frustrating. It was also exhausting--since you are squeezing nearly constantly without rest periods. It has not become part of my usual exercise routine.

UPDATE (5/26/2017):
Since I've had this, I've struggled with getting it to zero at times. I thought I was just using the vent thing wrong because with my husband's help I could usually play with that and get it to behave. But-- I went searching on Minna's help page the other day and found this very useful information on recalibrating the machine. Don't know if it wasn't there before or if I just missed it:

The other key to using kGoal in different positions (or even in the same position from day to day) is the Recalibration feature. We recommend the following procedure before each workout:

    1. Get kGoal positioned where and how you want it (location, orientation, level of inflation)
    2. Fully relax your pelvic floor muscles
    3. Briefly press the Power button on kGoal. When you do this, it will reset the measurement baseline to whatever level of squeeze and inflation it senses at that moment. This way, each workout will start on equal footing (with fully relaxed muscles corresponding to a reading of "zero" on kGoal's squeeze strength scale).

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